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The last ten days of my life have been complete madness. Fun, stretching, tiring madness. Because I am in Leadership Track, I was given the privilege of being a part of a Training Team for October’s World Race Training Camp.

     I worked with ten other amazing, spirit-filled individuals in preparing 4th Generation A Squad for their upcoming Race. My day usually started at 8am and ended around 10pm. For breakfast, the Trainers would pray over the squad and then over individuals. We would then go to worship for the next hour or so. Everyone then listened to a session that taught on subjects like forgiveness, shame, and emotions. The squad would break off into smaller groups and do activities to help the Trainers observe and put teams together for their Race. Then we would go grab lunch, discuss, and pray over the activities and reform teams again. Afternoons would consist of more learning or team-building, followed by evening worship and individual time.

     We were a part of so many wild experiences, I cannot fit them all into this blog. I learned so much not only from the other Trainers, but from the squad as well. To be around such a large group of young people that are so hungry to see God was wonderfully refreshing.

     And we had so much fun! When the nights were dragging on and we still had teams to form, we would take brief breaks to just have fun with each other. We played Keep-Away in the parking lot late one night, and combined Spoons with prayer over our squad. I saw hundreds of individuals give everything that they had in them on a daily basis, for the sole purpose of growing and helping others flourish.

     As life at Adventures settles back down, I will cling to the hope, fire, and motivation that encompasses the Racers I have encountered. I can’t wait to witness the change that will happen in the world, in themselves, and in their friends and families.


His love is deep, His love is wide and it covers us. His love is fierce, His love is strong, it is furious. His love is sweet, His love is wild, and it’s waking hearts to life.“-Furious, Bethel Music